

Beacon of Light

Beacon of Light

Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Liu Xinjie
Li Yuetong
Cui Yufei

Shanghai Institute of Technology


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The design focuses on the guardians of loulan ancient site, through three different forms of glass brick design, combined with different techniques, based on the intention of the lighthouse (beacon tower), to provide them with a temporary shelter and a guiding building. Loulan is an ancient civilization that has disappeared. It was once brilliant in the “ancient Silk Road”, located in China, but due to historical and environmental reasons, it disappeared in the course of historical development. However, as an ancient civilization, the protection of its historical sites has always been the focus of the protection of cultural relics in China. However, the historic site is located in the harsh arid desert, which requires very high protection conditions. There are frequent storms, little precipitation, sandstorms and tornadoes. There is no water source, and water can only be transported by the nearest county hundreds of kilometers away. There was no signal, only satellite phone calls and a little TV every day. However, there are a group of people who protect the historic sites here with faith, living in very difficult conditions, and our design is to do a small contribution and respect for them.