

Bus stop design

Bus stop design

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Hafsa Arshad
Maheen Afzaal
Muhammad Rabee Aftab

National College of Arts


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We have created a strict of a bus stop; origami inspired, Asymmetrical design. The structure has moulded itself into a origami inspired- asymmetrical shelter that is created step by step according to what the area requires. Moreover to fulfill the basicrequirements, the design serves a thresholdbetween the park and the road. The overallstructure from the outside serves the look ofleaves and umbrella, and allows selective lightto enter, also producing soft glow inside(frosted glass) to let the user experience the serenity offered in theatmosphere, also that can be felt in the park.The shift of two different energies, one a busyroad, with the speed of the vehicles and theother a static embodiment of nature, should befelt in the 15 minute stay of the bus stop, whichstands in between, in a very important place. The structure’s main dimensions follow the direction of sun, yet somehow allow immaculate flow of ventilation and controlled light, to create the experience, and from the outside cut down with the same principles.We were allotted this specific site eg. bus stop in our home town Islamabad. The existing design does not provide adequate shelter from both light and dust. We evaluated the area with personal experience, and what form compliments the site