

change your office environment

change your office environment

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Xiuyuan Han

North China University of Technology


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Humans have been exposed to daylight for the longest period of evolution, and for most people, modern life requires spending most of their time in indoor spaces, which therefore means missing out on the health benefits associated with sunlight exposure, such as vitamin D absorption, regulation of circadian rhythms, higher energy levels, and even improved mood. To some extent the human body (including the visual physiological system) is the result of daylight selection, which most people consider to be the most comfortable source of daylight, and the health benefits of daylight are equally prominent, while, in today’s society due to advanced technology, humans are increasingly dependent on large amounts of non-renewable energy resources to maintain the indoor environment of buildings, and the use of such energy sources not only does not effectively provide comfort and health for humans, but also leads to the destruction of environmental quality. So the introduction of daylight in the interior design and the rational use of resources and energy is the key.“DOD”(Daylighting-oriented development).With the development of Beijing’s urban scale, the construction of Beijing CBD has entered the mature stage from the development period of rapid construction, and the CBD business district is the most prosperous business district in Beijing, but the use of daylight is often neglected while pursuing commercial development. Through field research, I learned the following problems: low utilization of existing buildings, lack of greenery around the site, elevated bridges isolating the site, and lack of daylight due to a large number of surrounding tall buildings. The main theme of this design is to obtain daylight more efficiently and propose a new form of daylighting for the office building design. A naturally lit office is more conducive to efficiency and concentration; In addition, the full use of daylight in office buildings can help save some additional energy consumption.