

Duality Road

Duality Road

Daylight investigations - Region 3: The Americas

Javier Soto
Valentina Bustamante
Javiera Sanhueza
Monserratt Galarce

Amaya Glaria Kahni
Francisco Ibarra

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


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Post-covid crime is a global worldwide problem that has increased and grows even more when there is little lighting on public roads at night.According to lucia carmina (2015), “As for people who feel insecure, they find that it is mainly due to the lack of light at night, which makes it a very dark place, they also argue that it is due to the occurrence of crimes.” (p.184).That is why duality Road is a solution that gives a new life to the streets of cities around the world, taking advantage of the natural light of the sun.Sunlight is captured through a flexible solar panel to which the energy is redirected to store it in a lithium ion battery that is on a cover of anti-radiation fabric, this fabric also protects from solar radiation and UV rays at the same time that it allows to generate a beam of light that guides people.

At night it allows through the LED rings to illuminate the streets to give shelter and security to the citizens, in addition to reviving the streets that due to the danger of the night have been turning off.