Daylight in buildings - Region 3: The Americas
Milagros Gianella Chacon Malásquez
Angela Liliana Oré Avendaño
Edú Torres Huamán
Scientific University of the South
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HEALING LIGHTProblematicToday, the whole world is going through constant health emergencies such as the Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2, this pandemic and the others that are approaching, leading us to new ways of thinking about hospital spaces, the concern of how to transform them has arisen for the benefit of people and improve the internal conditions of the space and the patient.In the case of Peru, the development of the Coronavirus pandemic highlighted the deficiencies of the Peruvian health system, since there were no optimal infrastructures and equipment to care for patients, reaching the extreme of choosing or prioritizing the survival of some patients over that of others (Maguiña, c., 2020).The World Health Organization (WHO, 1982) tells us that “the set of discomforts caused by poor ventilation, thermal decompensation, electromagnetic charges and viral and bacterial particles and vapors of chemical origin in suspension that circulate in an infrastructure of health” can lengthen the patient’s recovery time. These same discomforts could occur in different health facilities in Peru, referring to a “Sick building”, which presents problems, dark areas, excessive conventional mechanisms for eliminating bacteria, dark areas without any contact with the outside. Therefore, different studies show that being in contact with natural light benefits the metabolism and improves the quality of the patient’s stay.Solution of ProblemsFaced with this problem, it is intended to use effective and natural disinfection mechanisms, in that sense, irradiation with Ultraviolet light (UV) is the correct alternative for closed spaces, because it manages to inactivate viral particles suspended in the air or on surfaces. solid. This type of radiation directly affects the viral genome, but it can also cause damage to human cells, therefore, systems have been implemented that minimize light exposure, guaranteeing germicidal action. In short, the contact of the natural light of the space and the patient is sought, as a solution is the primary focus in the design of the project.Design IdeaThe concept lies in HEALING LIGHT in a recovery area of a hospital infrastructure. The proposal is located in Pisco, Peru and attempts, based on design criteria and analysis of the local climate; create a space that uses natural light as the main element to achieve disinfection effects within a health space, as well as positive effects on the sensations of patients. To do this, the main component of light is specifically used: ultraviolet radiation, to contain the spread of bacteria and viruses, and cause feelings of well-being, motivation, health and mood.The sunlight that enters directly will enter from two parts: one from the ceiling and the other from the walls. Direct contact with ultraviolet light seeks to damage and/or weaken viruses and bacteria, which occurs through the absorption of ultraviolet light in the RNA of the virus, affecting its genetic material and ultimately eliminating it.In the first place, from the ceiling we will have a direct disinfection zone in the upper part, which will automatically eliminate viral matter, and an indirect disinfection zone in the lower part, since a false ceiling is placed to filter the entry of light. , avoiding direct and excessive contact with the patient that may cause other skin problems.Secondly, from the walls, the entrance will be direct, there is no material that filters the entrance of light, but a control that directs its entrance prevents and allows contact in the space.On the other hand, to change the perspective of the Sick Hospital Building, the flash of light that enters indirectly in the lower part is used to create a healing environment, generate hope of getting ahead, motivation, encouragement. It is scientifically proven that contact with elements of nature has a positive effect on people.The developed strategies are related to sustainability, considering the climatic conditions, economic, social and environmental conditions of the place, these strategies are:Upper opening for zenith lighting and convective ventilation, these openings are obtained from the solar and wind chart for each season of the year.The use of flexible horizontal elements in spans that allow and control the entry of natural light.Use of natural resources such as bamboo, land, thatch for the infrastructure.Use of economic resources of the place, the micas made of skin, and fish scales from the wasted waste obtained from the presence of fishing industries in Pisco, the idea is to add colored resins in the micas that filter the ingre.