

Light Brings Lohas

Light Brings Lohas

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Jia Sihao
Li Jiaxuan
Guo Yiyang
Wang Qiuting
Zhong Qing

Qingdao University of Technology


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Passive buildings play a huge role in saving energy and are worth promoting around the world.Going passive can better reflect its advantages – providing a refreshing environment for local residents in the most energy-efficient way especially for the African region, where electricity is scarce and the climate is hot. Tanzania is one of the countries with such needs.The site is located at a suburb of Tanzania.The activity space conbining the neighboring villiges ceates a recreational area for nearby people to socialize and rest, in which the local residents are provided with a shady and cool place rather than having activities under blazing sun.Viewed from from above,the raised and sunken part contribute a sundial,providing a device to check out time in a nutural way.What we do is to go passive, whi ch means basically getting the building to breathe and ventilate itself. The heavy, cooler air stays low, on the ground, while the hot air which is lighter, escapes through the little openings on the top.

Meanwhile,during the day, the sunshine slants through the glass of device in order to create a bright underground space and the photovoltaic panels on the top of the device absorb light energy.When it comes to nights, the lighting board beneath the photovoltaic provides the illumination,using the energy collect.