



Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Rurui Tang
Maoli Xiong
Renyou Deng

Chengdu University


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Background For Chengdu, which comes with many labels such as food, leisure and vitality, the city has always been known for its nightlife as well. Chengdu’s nighttime economy accounts for 45% of all-day consumption. However, nighttime activities are inseparable from the night workers who quietly serve the public at night. There are chauffeur, food-delivery man, or night-bus drivers, rideshare drivers,and road cleaners. Not only they work reversed from day to night, so they receive much less sunlight than average person, break the normal physiological rhythm would cause them physical or mental hazards of their well-being , but also they neglected by the society. They work alone at night would lead them have higher risk in dangerous working environment or road accidents . Therefore, The project seeks to solve the issues arise from working loneliness and circadian rhythm of night-time lone workers.

Design idea The site is chosen where night entertainment facilities (bars, etc.) gather. ThePavilion has two main area. Night workers can chat and smoke in the open area in the lower of pavilion, sleeping compartment in the upper of pavilion can provide them take 20-mins nap during work time.

Light Detail In terms of sunlight, we set up solar panels on the outside of the building to store the sunlight during the day and act as a point light source to simulate sunlight in the public area and supply the weak light of the independent sleeping compartment, let everyone feel the warmth from the daylight at night. Through this method, maximizing the time of them absorbing sunlight as to meet the physical and psychological needs of human beings.