

Symphony of light and sea world

Symphony of light and sea world

Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Yishuo Liu
Yuting Feng
Zonghua Dai
Yuteng Yang
Guangning Xu

Naibin Jiang

Qingdao University of Technology


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Living beings depend on light, and light will become a balance point for the harmonious coexistence of man and living things. By experimenting with a structure similar to the tower in the coastal area, we created a suitable light environment for the vertical space at the bottom of the ocean. This futuristic structure is composed of two parts. The first part is an inverted “tower body” designed with the spiral bulb as the idea source, which is the carrier of light in the whole structure. The second part is a “round cover” for the “tower body” to supply energy, which pushes the form of light from the sunny sky to the sea layer by layer through such a top-down hub, Finally, this intertwined bundle of light is bred in the dimension where human beings can collide with other marine creatures. The appearance of artificial light makes it possible for the growth of certain marine organisms coral, which mostly grows in tropical and subtropical areas, has certain requirements for the temperature and light conditions of its environment. We believe that the energy that the “tower body” can give through the “round cover” can create suitable temperature and light conditions for the growth of coral insects. The light is conducive to the photosynthesis of zooxanthellae in the coral, increase the supersaturation of the solution around the reef building coral, and accelerate the growth of calcium carbonate crystals, so as to form a coral reef. By analogy, the new coral reef will become a new habitat for other marine organisms. At the same time, The right light itself can attract fish. As a result, a vibrant scene appeared in the originally cold and silent shallow sea. We try to sum up the various impacts of this light as a reasonable protection of biodiversity. The overexploitation and pollution of natural resources by human society has led to the gradual reduction of coral reefs and other natural organisms. Strengthening the resource development and protection of ecosystems of various organisms is what we want to achieve through the form and carrier of light.