

Urban Algae Ring

Urban Algae Ring

Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Tseng Chih-Yun
Lee Chen-Hsuan

Chen Yan-Ting

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Taiwan, Province of China

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In India, children play without proper outdoor playgrounds. Children play near homes and on the streets because of the absence of designated play spaces. However, play space is very important for children’s physical and mental health. A lot of children in India live in unsafe and unhealthy environments, including poor road maintenance, garbage, and the absence of street lights. India has the world’s worst air pollution. The poor outdoor air quality in India has even caused respiratory diseases. At the same time, India’s local power supply is facing a serious crisis. Therefore, generating electricity through the algae can not only purify the surrounding air but also be used as a light source on the playground. To provide the playground where is a clean and safe place where children have access to play equipment.