Daylight Talks at the World Architecture Festival Virtual on 2 December

26 Nov 2020
VELUX to host Daylight Talks at the World Architecture Festival Virtual on 2 December
‘Best use of natural light in architecture’ is a common denominator for the ‘Daylight Talks’ that VELUX will host by presenting three talks and a discussion between
Anne Lacaton, Jakob Strømann-Andersen and Kevin Van den Wymelenberg

Anne Lacaton will talk about how to radically transform daylight conditions in social housing blocks and improve the quality of life of building occupants. Strømann-Andersen will talk about dynamic spaces as game changers and how dynamic daylight supports it while Van Den Wymelenberg will talk about daylight and the indoor microbiome and how we need to consider our health and wellbeing in buildings.
“VELUX has partnered with the World Architecture Festival since 2015. Starting in 2016, the regional winners of International VELUX Award for students of architecture have presented their projects at the festival to the international jury who then select the two global winners.
In 2019, VELUX sponsored the ‘Best use of Natural Light Prize’ at the World Architecture Festival. This year with the festival going virtual in December, we saw the opportunity to bring the focus to daylight in architecture to a wider audience. We are very excited to present three fantastic speakers at our ‘Daylight Talks’ – Anne Lacaton, Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg and Jakob Strømann-Andersen” – says Per Arnold Andersen, special adviser, VELUX.
The ‘Daylight Talks’ will be the first in a series of talks that are arranged in collaboration with the International Union of Architects, as well as a number of schools of architecture and universities. Architects will showcase their projects to a wider audience through the talks on a new website and content hub for daylighting in architectural education.
At next year’s World Architecture Festival in June 2021, VELUX will again sponsor the ‘Best Use of Natural Light’ Prize, one of the special WAF prizes. The prize showcases the unique use of daylighting in completed buildings. Special emphasis is placed on projects that consider the impact of natural light on human well-being, performance and joy. The previous prize was awarded in 2019 to Hopkins Architects for their project, Smith Campus Center, Harvard University, Boston, USA.
The ‘Daylight Talks’ at WAF Virtual will be held live on 2 December 2020 from 16:00 to 16:40 (CET). Registration and online attendance is free. Register here