Challenges in Design Education & Research

The 2022 annual conference of the European Association for Architectural Education took place as a hybrid event including keynote lectures, round tables and paper sessions from the 31.08.22 – 02.09.22. The conference was hosted by the ETSAM School of Architecture at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with VELUX as the main sponsor.
As topics, the conference proposed three aspects that the New Bauhaus must face: what should be the role of design practices with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); what should the new professional teams be like and what should be their relationship with the design schools, and what critical avenues can be opened today to promote continuous improvement.
With participants from 87 higher education institutions, 36 countries and 5 international associations, the conference nourished multi-faceted dialogue and provided a stage for the keynote lecture series of the EAAE annual conferences.
The keynote speakers, comprising of Alberto Campo Baeza, Carmen Pinós, Abalos+Sentkiewicz, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta (RCR Arquitectes) presented a wide range of topics from the necessity of utilizing daylight and natural ventilation in buildings as well as discussions on architectural aesthetics, social responsibility in architecture and thermodynamics.
We are proud to be able to support the key note lectures that consider current challenges confronting both professionals and schools of architecture today.
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