Ewa Kurylowicz

Ewa Kurylowicz is Vice President & General designer of the architectural office Kurylowicz & Associates, President of the board of the Stefan Kurylowicz Foundation and Professor at Faculty of Architecture , Warsaw University of Technology. Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, ( 1972 – 1977 ) with studies at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology and at the Faculty of Architecture, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA ( 1975 ).
Since 1990, Ewa Kurylowicz has been a working designer and associate at Kurylowicz & Associates, and in the years 2000-2008 she worked as the director of the work program “Spiritual places” of the International Union of Architects (UIA), Paris.
She received the Honorary award in 2021 for outstanding merits for Polish architecture by the Association of Polish Architects. Throughout her career she has been a juror of the association of Polish architects (SARP), a president of the advisory board of competition jurors of SARP main board (2015-2019), a member of the Polish chamber of architects (Izba Architektów RP), and a member of Accessibility Council at the ministry of infrastructure.
Ewa Kurylowicz has functioned as General Designer of the studio for the following projects: The faculty of Applied linguistics and modern languages of the University of Warsaw (2022), Arctowski Polar Station on King George Island, South Pole (under construction (2023)), Naturia Residential Development,Torun, Poland (2021), Skierniewicka office bldg. (2019), Residential complex and Retail Pavillion, Solec, Warsaw, (2018), Retro Office house, Wrocław (2018), The Tides apart hotel and seat of the Warsaw Rowing Society in Warsaw (2017), Q22 skyscraper and office tower in Warsaw (2016), National Music Forum in Wrocław (2015) & The City stadium in Białystok (2014).
Jury 2024
Past jury members 2004 / 2020