Transitional Society: A Delicate Balancing Act - A Daylight Talk by Francesco Veenstra
The 2024 Daylight Talk series continues with Francesco Veenstra, Chief Government Architect in the Netherlands since 2021 and partner at Vakwerk architecten in Delft since 2017. Francesco Veenstra will give the Daylight Talk titled ‘Transitional Society; a delicate balancing act’ in collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven, assistant professor within the Building Lighting group embedded in the unit Building Physics and Services of the department of the Built Environment (TU/e), will present the talk and moderate the Q&A session.
The talk will be available to watch on the D/A website on 23 April 2024.
‘Daylight Talks’ is organised by the VELUX Group in collaboration with individual schools of architecture and they are endorsed by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE).
Daylight Talk #19: ‘Transitional Society; A Delicate Balancing Act’ with Francesco Veenstra
We are facing massive challenges. We cannot afford to delay major transitions in society any longer. These transitions all have implications in our cities, the countryside, in industrial areas. In order to better understand which decisions we have to take to meet international climate goals; the transitions towards a circular economy and to a robust natural biodiverse environment we have to put our focus ahead towards the next century. Not in search of interesting vistas, but rather to work backwards in time and identify what action needs to be taken now according to broad-based future studios. We are in search of new answers: not only what we need to do better, but rather what we need to do different.
About Francesco Veenstra
Francesco Veenstra (1973) has been a partner at Vakwerk architecten in Delft since 2017. Before that, he worked at Mecanoo, where he was co-owner from 2007 to 2017. During this period he worked on many social assignments such as the Library of Birmingham, Stadskantoor and station hall Delft, Kaap Skil on Texel and cultural complex Home in Manchester. Francesco Veenstra has extensive experience in projects for cultural organisations, higher education, commercial real estate and infrastructure. Francesco was educated at the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture. Until July of this year, he was chairman of the Association of Dutch Architectural Firms (BNA).
Francesco Veenstra succeeds Floris Alkemade, who has held the position of Government Architect for six years. In the coming years, Veenstra will combine the Government Architectship with working within Vakwerk.

About Juliëtte van Duijnhoven
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven is an assistant professor within the Building Lighting group embedded in the unit Building Physics and Services of the department of the Built Environment (TU/e). She brings in expertise on measuring and evaluating lighting conditions in and around the built environment. She works on developing and advancing methods to gather personal lighting conditions of individuals to further progress the insights on the effects of light on human health, performance, and wellbeing. Her main aim is to create sustainable lighting solutions in the built environment incorporating the individual differences in light exposure patterns. She mostly focuses on (home) office environments. Juliëtte is currently involved as mentor in the LIGHTCAP project ( and as project coordinator in the VETHO project.
Within the TU/e, Juliëtte is member of the Health in the Built Environment (HitBE) team as well as member of the Intelligent Lighting Institute (ILI).
Outside the TU/e, Juliëtte chairs the core team indoor lighting at the Dutch association of light (NSVV). In addition, Juliëtte is active within the CIE ( as member of JTC18 (lighting education) and JTC20 (wearable alpha-opic dosimetry). Furthermore, she is member of the executive committee of the European Lighting Expert Association (ELE-A).

About Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
Eindhoven University of Technology is a young university, founded in 1956 by industry, local government and academia. Today, their spirit of collaboration is still at the heart of the university community. TU/e fosters an open culture where everyone feels free to exchange ideas and take initiatives.
The Department for Built Environment is driven by ambitions to make a difference. Sustainability, in its broadest definition, is the cornerstone of its research and education.