Daylight in buildings - Region 1: Western Europe.
Pasquale Bellocchio
Sara Colombo
Viviana Capasso
Giuliana Iannaccone
Politecnico di Milano
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LoWffice is the result of the intention to create a space with features that make it compliant with the current boundary conditions and at the same time able to adapt to changes expected to happen in 50 years. The space is completely underground and in the current situation, considering the great request for parking, it is entirely dedicated to cars. However, it is expected, in the coming years, an ever-increasing change in the habits of people, especially in the transport sector: the shift to slow mobility. This will result in lower use of the car and will lead to the necessity to reflect on how to convert these big spaces dedicated to it. The project aims to provide a space that is ready for this type of transformation, thanks to the modularity principles that inspired it, but also to the design of light in a way that makes it possible to meet future needs. The hypothesis, in this case, is that the parking will change its function, becoming an office space. To make this shift possible, ten skylights were placed on the roof, to let natural light in and diffuse it in the space. Moreover, to illuminate even the marginal spaces, there are basement windows on the perimetral walls, filled with some vegetation.