

Own your own sun

Own your own sun

Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

xiaotong Xu
Baicheng Chen
kejiao Zang

Qingdao University of Technology


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We found that the handshake building was too close for light to enter, so we designed a device.The device refracts the natural light on the roof into the public space of the handshake building, improves the dark and humid environment using natural light, and further improves the space by growing green plants.The light is refracted by prisms arranged on the steel frame, and the natural light reflected on the device is refracted into the space below the aperture to guide the light.The use of steel polycarbonate( PPC) prism skeleton and durable plate can improve equipment life and reduce costs.At the same time, it was against the window that shook hands.The space in this direction of the house is not used properly because the building is not illuminated.This device can direct natural light into the room.Looking at the interior space through the principle of light refraction and reflection, people can read books and rest by the window, and enjoy the comfort that nature brings.